Postdoctoral Researchers
PhD Students
Master Students
PhD Student Alumni
- Xuedou Xiao (PhD student, 2019-2023; Now with WUT as an associate professor, Wuhan)
- Zhiqing Luo (PhD student, 2018-2022; Postdoc 2022-2025, Now with Wuhan University as an associate research fellow.)
- Yong Huang (PhD student, 2017-2021; now with Zhengzhou University as an associate professor, Zhengzhou)
- Wenyuan Ma (PhD student,2017-2022; now with Southwest Jiaotong University as a lectuer, Chengdu)
- Shengkai Zhang (Co-supervised PhD student, 2017-2021; now with WUT as an associate professor, Wuhan)
- Guochao Song (Co-supervised PhD student, 2015-2019; now with CAICT (special offer), Beijing)
- Zhiang Niu (Co-supervised PhD student, 2017-2023)
- Shiyue He (PhD student, 2018-2023; Now with Huawei)
- Xianan Zhang (PhD student, 2017-2023; Now with Huawei (special offer))
Master Student Alumni
- Wei Kuang (Master student, 2021; Previously@HUST, 2017; now with Hubei Academy of Aerospace Technology, Wuhan)
- Yingying Zuo (Master student, 2021; Previously@SDU, 2017; now with ByteDance, Shanghai)
- Haoyu Xiong (Master student, 2021; Previously@CQU, 2017; now with Huawei, Chengdu )
- Lieke Chen (Master student, 2020; Previously@Seed Class & 电工基地, HUST; now with Huawei 2012)
- Yirong Xie (Master student, 2020; Previously@Seed Class & 电工基地, HUST; now with Pingtouge)
- Pengen Gao (Master student, 2020; Previously@HUST(电工基地); Now collaborating with Dr. Xiaoxuan Lu@Oxford; now with DJI)
- Juecheng Zhang(Master student, 2019-2021; Previously@Jilin Univ., 2015; now with Ant Group)
- Wenqin Wang (Master student, 2019-2021; Previously@CSU, 2015; now with TP-Link)
- Mengnian Xu (Master student, 2018-2020; Previously@WUT, 2014; now with ByteDance, Beijing)
- Chao Liu (Master student, 2019-2020; Previously@HUST, 2015; now a math teacher in Shenzhen Honglin Middle School)
- Hang Yang (Master student, 2018-2020; Previously@Advanced Class, 2014; now a information science teach in Shenzhen High School of Science)
- Yiyuan Wang (Master student, 2018-2020; Previously@EIC, 2014; now with TP-Link)
- Yuheng Dan (Master student, 2019-2020; Previously@WUT, 2015; now with Alibaba, Hangzhou)
- Jun Qu (Master student, 2017-2020; now with Xiaomi, Beijing)
- Sen Huang (Master student, 2017-2020; now with Huawei, Wuhan)
- Ning Zhang (Master student, 2018-2020; Previously@Advanced Class, 2014; now with Xiaomi, Beijing)
- Pan Wang ((Master student, 2018-2020; Previously@EIC, 2014; now an Officer)
- Taobin Chen (Master student, 2017-2019; Excellent Engineer Program; now with Tencent, Shenzhen)
- Ziliang Hu (Master student, 2017-2019; now with Netease, Guangzhou)
- Xiaojie Yue (Master student, 2016-2019; Outstanding Graduate; now with Huawei, Shenzhen)
- Bingjiang Cai (Master student, 2016-2018; Outstanding Graduate; now with China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group)
Undergraduate Alumni
- Haichuan Lin (EIC, 2019, Now MS at ICT,CAS)
- Junyao Peng (EIC, 2020, Now MS at HKUST)
- Borui Wan (Outstanding Undergraduates; EIC, 2018; now PhD, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
- Yifang Zhang (Outstanding Undergraduates; EIC, 2017; Now at NJU)
- Kexin Tang (Outstanding Undergraduates; EIC, 2018;Now MS at UIUC)
- Xiang Li (EEE, 2016; Now PhD at CMU, under my reccomendation; visited Duke University under my recommendation)
- Qian Du (Undergraduate, OEI, 2016; Now MS in ECE Department, UCLA under my recommendation)
- Yuxuan Zhou (Outstanding Undergraduates; EIC, 2016; now PhD in CS Department, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology under my recommendation)
- Zhenyu Lei (Outstanding Undergraduates; OEI, Excellent Engineer Program, 2016; now PhD in CS Department, UMass (Deepak Ganesan), under my recommendation; visited Cornell University as an intern under my recommendation)
- Jinyang Liu (now M.S. at Northwestern University, U.S.)
- Wei Huo (Outstanding Undergraduates; EIC, 2016; now PhD in ECE Department, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
- Sheyang Tang (Excellent Engineer Program, 2015; now PhD at University of Waterloo under my recommendation)
- Jianben He (Outstanding Undergraduates; Excellent Engineer Program, 2015; now PhD in CS Department, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology under my recommendation)
- Xueyang Tang (Outstanding Undergraduate; Excellent Engineer Program, 2014; now PhD in CS Department, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
- Minjie Tang (EIC, 2014; Now PhD in ECE Department, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
- Yifan Hou (Advanced Class, 2014; PhD, ETH Zurich, Mphil in CS Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Zhuoran Xiao (Advanced Class, 2014; now PhD in CS Department, Zhejiang University)