MetaIoT @ HUST Welcome to MetaIoT Lab.

MetaIoT Lab

Here at Mobile, Sensing, Automative & Internet of Things Lab (MetaIoT), which is leaded by Prof. Wei Wang in Huazhong University of Science and Technology. We create the next generation of intelligent wireless systems for communication and sensing with applications in autonomous systems, IoT network, wireless communication and sensing.

Research Overview

Our research group is currently focused on the following key areas:

Some of our completed research includes:

Key Research Areas

Ambient loT

Ambient loT

  • Low power and long range backscatter
  • BLE,WiFi, mmWave, LoRa communication
  • Wireless, batteryless computation on edge devices

Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous Vehicles

  • Multi-sensor fusion: Radar, Camera, Lidar, GPS, IMU
  • Autonomous navigation, path planning
  • Indoor mapping for smart infrastructure